Leveraging Collette Health in the Emergency Department


With host Chris Furst, Clinical Coordinator at King’s Daughters Medical Center

Christ Furst, a Collette Health client at King’s Daughters Health System has been using Collette Health in the Emergency Department as a patient safety tool with tremendous results. Collette Health has helped to mitigate the severe staffing shortage, to provide a second set of eyes for at-risk patients, and to prevent patient elopement. In this presentation Chris will discuss how to leverage Collette Health in the ED along with reviewing some of their incredible outcomes.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How King’s Daughters uses Collette Health in the ED to alleviate the pressure caused by staffing shortages
  • The policies and procedures King’s Daughters employs surrounding the use of remote patient observation
  • How King’s Daughters plans to expand their Collette Health usage

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