Collette Health’s Priority: Patient Safety


Last week was Patient Safety Awareness week. While the week of annual recognition is over, here at Collette Health, we are always focused on patient safety.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) considers patient safety “indistinguishable from the delivery of quality health care.” Patient safety is largely measured by the absence of patient harm – for example low rates of patient injury and mortality.

Keeping patients safe is a constant challenge. Fortunately, emerging healthcare technologies can help to support nursing staff by assisting in patient safety monitoring. For example, the Collette Health remote observation solution leverages technology to enable live sitters to observe patients and identify a patient that could be at risk. Collette Health’s cloud-based platform provides proactive motion detection to direct the attention of sitters, and when an observer identifies that the patient is at risk, they can simultaneously verbally redirect the patient while sending an alert to the attending medical staff with the effortless click of a button. (Source: Collette Health Features). Let’s see how Collette Health prioritizes patient safety. 

Stop Patient Adverse Events

The best way to reduce inpatient falls is to stop patient falls before they happen with a remote observation system like Collette Health. With remote observation, patient observers are trained to help prevent adverse events. With an observer, a patient is never truly alone. If they enter a dangerous situation, an observer is there to re-direct them or alert onsite medical staff

But it doesn’t stop there. Collette Health observers can actually stop adverse events across the board. We stop patients from wandering, alerting someone when a patient is anxious or becoming aggressive, stop confused patients from taking unauthorized prescriptions, alert someone about a device malfunction, and more. Our observers are a true part of the care team. Patients are attended to more quickly and efficiently, and outcomes are improved. To read real life examples of prevented medical errors, read our white paper here.

Other Reasons Your Patients May Need Remote Observation

While patient safety is our priority, there are surprisingly many other reasons to use Collette Health, that can, in turn, also produce cost savings. Below are a few real-life examples from many of the hospitals we’ve seen, leveraging remote patient observation for other departments across your organization.

Reasons for Observation in Acute Care include, but are not limited to:

  • Companionship
  • Dementia support
  • Dietary restriction compliance
  • Post-surgery blood sugar fluctuations

Reasons for Observation in Diagnostic Care include, but are not limited to:

  • Reminding patients when it is time to perform self-care tasks
    • Consume oral contrast as a specific time
    • Perform range of motion
    • Use incentive spirometer
  • Hallway & Holding
    • For patients who are sometimes unobserved, unfamiliar with their surroundings, and in areas without call light access

Reasons for Observation in the Emergency Department include, but are not limited to:

  • Staff safety
  • Frequent flyers
  • Drug seeking behaviors
  • Expedited admission

Reasons for Observation in Sub-Acute Care include, but are not limited to:

  • Short-term memory deficit support
  • Mobility limitations compliance
  • Low suicide risk observation
  • Contraband concerns

These are just a few of the additional reasons your patients need remote patient observation. If you are interested in seeing more examples of how patient observation can be leveraged in other areas such as geriatrics, pediatrics, rehabilitation hospitals, nursing facilities, behavioral health hospitals, and more, you can watch our recorded webinar here.

If you are interested in installing Collette Health in your healthcare facility, visit our Contact Us page now.

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