Collette Health at AONL: How Collette Health Helps with Nurse Burnout


Collette Health helps overburdened clinicians remotely observe patients to improve patient safety and satisfaction without straining staff resources. Come visit our booth #782 at AONL!

Collette Health is excited to announce that we are currently at AONL this year in Anaheim, CA!

As the national professional organization of more than 11,000 nurse leaders, the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) is the voice of nursing leadership. Previously known as the American Organization for Nurse Executives (AONE), the organization changed its name in 2019 to better align with its core mission and vision. AONL’s mission is to transform health care through expert and influential nursing leadership.

The AONL conference will spark new ideas and create actionable pathways to help us meet the challenges of today and tomorrow, immersed in three days of inspiration and powerful connections with like-minded nurse leaders.

At AONL 2023, our expert team will highlight our Collette Health remote patient observation system. Collette Health is a remote patient observation solution that puts one observer in front of up to ten patients at one time. We help overburdened clinicians remotely observe patients to meaningfully improve patient safety and satisfaction without straining staff resources.

How Collette Health Can Help

Patient falls, despite being deemed a “never event” by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, still occur every day in hospitals across the nation. And these “never events” occur more often when a hospital is understaffed and can’t be as attentive to a patient.

At Collette Health, patient observation software means two things: keeping patients safe and providing a solution for nursing departments struggling with staff shortages. Patient observation software is a technology-enabled solution that connects at-risk patients to remote observers over video. Armed with a mobile cart, cameras, and two-way video connections, one observer can watch multiple patients at once, thus supporting nurses by saving them time and effort.

How Collette Health Serves as a Nursing Extension

While patient safety is our priority, there are many reasons to use Collette Health, including serving as a nursing extension by being nurses’ eyes and ears when they are not in the room. This extends from companionship and dementia support to dietary restriction compliance and mobility limitations compliance. The Collette Health system even has a way for observers to submit reports when they believe an adverse event has been avoided.

Collette Health can also be used as a virtual witness for nurses that are performing diagnostic exams independently—especially when those exams or procedures may compromise patient dignity. Think of different instances where a patient makes accusations against a health care worker. Until the health care worker is proven innocent or guilty, there’s time off work, an investigation, loss of wages, and so much more. Or what about an aggressive patient that puts the nursing staff at risk for injury, themselves? Collette Health can give nurses that peace of mind, to know that, as a clinician, you have that extra set of eyes to back up what you’re doing.

Want to learn more? Check out our newest white paper about how to support nurses’ mental health amidst the ongoing staff shortages.

If you are interested in installing Collette Health, please visit our Contact Us page now.

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