Case Study: How One Organization Decreased Their Fall Rates by 32% with Collette Health


In this case study, you will learn how Collette Health helped Reid Health decrease their fall rate by 32%.

Collette Health is remote patient observation that allows one sitter to watch up to ten patients at once. Collette Health can be used to stop patient falls before they happen, prevent medical device removal, assist during a mental health crisis, and so much more.

How can you be sure Collette Health is right for your health system? One of the best ways is hearing testimonial from another hospital currently partnered with us. Don’t take our word for it. You can see the evidence yourself. We use case studies to demonstrate exactly how we handle projects to help you visualize what you can do with your own organization.

In this case study, you will learn how Collette Health helped one hospital decrease their fall rate by 32%.

Who is Reid Health?

Reid Health is a 271-bed regional care facility located in Richmond, Indiana. At present, the hospital serves approximately 280,000 people within an 8-county region. They installed Collette Health as part of an ongoing organizational effort to operationalize and leverage technology to aid in efficient resource utilization.

What is Collette Health?

Remote patient observation is a technology-enabled solution that connects at-risk patients to remote observers over video. Mobile devices equipped with cameras are left with at-risk patients. An observer at a command center can observe multiple patients at one time via a video connection and can contact both the patient and onsite medical staff as necessary. Utilizing one patient observer for several patients serves to stretch staff resources without sacrificing patient safety. It also helps patient observers to avoid infectious disease, since they are no longer required to be in the room with the patients they are observing.

Both the Collette Health hardware and software were designed for clinicians and include some innovative features that are not seen anywhere else in the market. These features truly set the Collette Health solution apart:

  • Persistent Video: With Collette Health, the connection between the patient and the observer is always on. If the observer needs to speak to the patient, they can appear onscreen on the Collette Health cart with the click of a button. This instantaneous connection goes a long way in preventing adverse events.
  • Full-Field Night Vision: The sitter-controlled camera covers the entire patient room, regardless of the light conditions or the time of day.
  • Cross-Language Communication: Not every patient requiring observation speaks English, and so the Collette Health software contains pre-recorded messages in more than 60 languages (including American Sign Language) for quick communication with limited English proficiency patients.

Why Reid Health Chose to Use Collette Health

Reid Hospital is a 271-bed regional care facility located in Richmond, IN. At present, the hospital serves approximately 280,000 people within an 8-county region.

The decision to pursue Collette Health was a part of an ongoing organizational effort to operationalize and leverage technology to aid in efficient resource utilization, enhance clinical workflow efficiencies, and improve patient safety.

“Collette Health is a welcomed resource that allows us to ‘be in two places at once.’ Families feel like they have more flexibility because they know their family member is being watched closely by a care team member,” says Zachary Mogle, Clinical Manager—Nursing Support at Reid Health.

To learn about Reid Health’s decreased fall rates, direct care sitter hours, and how they are paying less in labor costs while avoiding more falls than ever before, download our newest case study.

You can also view our on-demand webinar right now, which discusses:

  • How patients and staff at Reid Health feel about Collette Health
  • Specific Collette Health Good Catches
  • Reid Health’s plans for the future with Collette Health

If you are interested in exploring a virtual patient sitting solution for your hospital, visit the Contact Us page now to schedule a free demo of the Collette Health product.

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