Best In KLAS Software & Services 2024 Report: Collette Health Now Rated


KLAS released its “Best in KLAS Software & Services report”   last Tuesday. KLAS is a leading provider of research and data statements, whose annual findings showcase impartial insights for the healthcare information technology (HIT) industry.

The report showcases facets of customer satisfaction ratings using an in-depth approach to scoring based on data collected from research, surveys, and client feedback. KLAS helps Collette Health and other organizations identify strengths and weaknesses to determine which areas can benefit from further research and development to increase patient and clinician satisfaction.

Why Best in KLAS Reporting?

“The Best in KLAS report is the culmination of countless insights we gather and the passionate work KLAS does. Often, KLAS is thanked by our customers for the work we do. But we are merely a conduit for the voice of providers and payers, channeling critical information into the industry so everyone can benefit,” said Adam M. Gale, CEO and co-founder of KLAS Research.[i]

KLAS findings reveal the true impact of healthcare and the way it touches lives every day. Healthcare professionals perform essential tasks amid organizational challenges resulting from financial burdens and clinician shortages. Especially in the years following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when healthcare systems have been forced to adjust to meet patient needs, updates to healthcare information technology (HIT) must be measured in a way that gives providers a voice, ensuring limitations and strengths are detected and published.

“To sustainably maintain momentum, both healthcare organizations and vendors must fortify themselves and evaluate what is and what isn’t helping. Healthcare organizations can’t revert to old, pre-pandemic workflows. Vendors can’t stretch themselves to meet customer needs only to let their performance slip shortly thereafter. As an industry, we have to keep improving patient care by utilizing new tools and partnering with patients,” according to Gale.[ii]

The Best in KLAS report aims to show perceptions from healthcare providers and patients whose experiences demonstrate the benefits of healthcare technology and what can be done to improve the state of healthcare with its utilization.

Measurables for Organizations

KLAS performs rankings and overall performance scores in various market segments for software and services solutions that are qualified within their Best in KLAS categories by their score within a 100-point scale. The scores are based on customer responses to software products and client feedback on services firms. Software product scores are established by noting customer responses to 16 numeric question ratings and four yes/no questions. In comparison, the feedback on services firms includes nine ratings and 3 yes/no questions. Results are averaged by evaluations from the past 13 months. i

“To enable readers to more quickly understand high-level differences in vendor performance, the questions from the KLAS evaluation are organized into customer experience pillars—six for software products and five for services—with vendors receiving a letter grade in each pillar.” i:

Customer Experience Pillars

6 Standard software, imaging systems, and medical equipment evaluation metrics

  • Culture
    • Keeps all promises
    • Proactive service
    • Product works as promoted
  • Loyalty
    • Forecasted satisfaction
    • Likely to recommend
    • Overall satisfaction
    • Part of long-term plans
    • Would you buy again
  • Operations
    • Ease of use
    • Quality of implementation
    • Quality of training
  • Product
    • Delivery of new technology
    • Overall product quality
    • Product has needed functionality
    • Supports integration goals
  • Relationship
    • Executive involvement
    • Quality of phone/web support
  • Value
    • Avoids charging for every little thing
    • Drives tangible outcomes
    • Money’s worth

5 Standard services evaluation metrics

  • Loyalty
    • Likely to recommend
    • Overall satisfaction
    • Would you buy again
  • Operations
    • Engagement execution
  • Relationship
    • Executive involvement
    • Strength of partnership
  • Services
    • Quality of staff/consultants
    • Strategic expertise
  • Value
    • Avoids charging for every little thing
    • Drives tangible outcomes
    • Exceeds expectations
    • Money’s worthi

For more info, download the Executive Summary:
#2e3f50 Download the Executive Summary

Virtual Sitting & Nursing: A New Market Segment

Virtual sitting (now called “observation”) technology solutions are gaining widespread utilization within healthcare organizations. A software and hardware collaboration that proactively prevents falls, adverse events, and elopement and decreases strain and burden on nursing staff while driving outcomes has rightly earned its categorical placement as a new market segment in the Best in KLAS report.

Virtual patient observation is gaining adoption as a cost-effective solution to augment staff shortages. This type of HIT has helped organizations increase patient observation capacity from a one-to-one observer-to-patient ratio to a twelve-to-one ratio when using Collette Health’s virtual solution. This results in decreased patient injuries from adverse events, including a 68% reduction in falls.[iii]

VPOs (virtual patient observers), like our +Staff team, can extend the reach of patient safety teams. Clinical (RN, LPN, CNA) observers provide additional coverage for short-staffed healthcare organizations. With features like 24/7/365 support, 70+ language translations including ASL, and the real-time analytics Collette Health offers, virtual patient observation is becoming a fixture in patient safety and quality. It has earned its place as rated Best in KLAS research and reporting.

Collette Health Included in Best in KLAS Report

As a virtual observation solution in healthcare, Collette Health appears in the Best in KLAS report’s new market segment, “Virtual Sitting and Nursing? The category as defined within the report:

Virtual solutions used in inpatient settings. Virtual sitting solutions allow one person to observe several patients simultaneously to avoid falls, self-harm, or elopement. Virtual nursing solutions enable organizations to offer knowledge-based nursing as a remote function separate from bedside nursing.[iv]

Collette Health is rated 89.6 by its 18 unique organizations that utilize services. Under the customer service experience pillars, Collette Health received the following scores:

Culture: A
Loyalty: A
Operations: B+
Product: B
Relationship: A
Value: A

Collette Health’s results reflect a commitment to delivering proactive technology solutions that prevent falls and adverse events, improving outcomes.

Moving Forward

As a newly rated within the Best in KLAS report, Collette Health looks forward to playing an even bigger role in the future of patient safety and quality HIT. The continuous virtual observation solutions continue to grow, with new enhancement releases every 3 weeks, often influenced by the customer reviews shared on the KLAS platform.

Our mission has evolved as our hospital and healthcare partners needs change: for continuous virtual observation to be the patient safety standard of care.

[i] Best in KLAS 2024 Software & Services, page ii

[ii] Best in KLAS 2023 Software & Services, page ii

[iii] Collette + Staff Flyer

[iv] Best in KLAS 2024 Software & Services, page 257

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